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TagsClover, DTiberius, Totally_Spies
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Info845x1097 // 177KB // jpg
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Biggus__Dickus: Wow!! DTiberius did a pic without futa?!
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Anonymous1: neeeeeeeeed pics on SAM! she is the the sexies of em all and i love her and her red hair!
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Ruke: Seems like Tiberius finally got a girlfriend
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Anonymous2(1): eny idea where this is from ?
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Anonymous3: Girls drawn by Tiberius without dick = epic win!
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Anonymous4: APOCAILPSE!!!
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Anonymous5: I ain't sayin' that I want DTiberius to swear off dickgirls, but this is really sweet.
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Anonymous6: something seems to be wrong with her dick...
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Anonymous7: it's a girl without a dick, but now it's a man with tits.
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Anonymous8: Tiberius art wihout dickgirls = win
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stopit: awww, he finally discovered the opposite sex
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Anonymous9: this can not be dtiberius wheres the dicky girl???? 8O
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Anonymous10: WTF thi has noting to do with comic I want dtiberius dickgirls
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Anonymous11(10): It doesnt have D name on it maybe someone copied his kinda drawing
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janusmaxwell: no it's his work. And I'd know since I'm the mofo who commissioned it.

Expect page 2 when he finishes it.
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Anonymous12(10): But why suddenly go off the comic already being worked on.
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Anonymous13: I was inspired by the recent comic to elaborate on Clover's Slutty side.
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Anonymous14: It's a commission, he always does those first.
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Anonymous15: can you commission him to hurry the fuck up on the 3 other comics he's got going
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janusmaxwell: Unless your willing to shell out the cash, you got no right to scream "HURRY!" at someone who's GIVING Shit Away.
Anyway, he'll return to those comics REALLY soon since this mini-comic is only 2 pages.
(Though, I Promise this, I will Commission a 3 page Alex Mini-comic sometime after New Years from him)
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Anonymous16: Dickgirls or not-Dickgirls, janusmaxwell?
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janusmaxwell: I did have an idea once for mini-comic with a few dickgirl scenes but that idea got scrapped, so the Alex commission will not be dickgirl.
anyway, I DT's Dickgirl stuff is the ONLY DG stuff I've fapped to, but it's still not my particular fetish.
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Anonymous17: The explanation for this. it's a dream. when everybody awake tomorrow, she will have a penis again.
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Vega2503: Fuck you and your commissioning of non-DG pics...DT can't draw a pussy to save his life and you want to pay for it? And make everyone else wait for the good DG stuff to be made while he's making your shit? Yeah...fuck you...
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jackrabbit: Jesus, there's no pleasing anybody.
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Anonymous18: Hooray, Tiberius finally drew a girl that is actually a girl... thanks janusmaxwell!
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CommonTater: Finally!!!!!

Also ANON1 is a genius. I agree so much!
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Anonymous19: Vega.......DT can't draw anything well. At least not in any improvement over the last 5 years.
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Anonymous20: something very very wrong is happening here.
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janusmaxwell: update for anyone who gives a flying rat's ass. the next commission will be a Dickgirl Clover fucking a Non-dickgirl Alex. Currently working with a few WWOEC experts to make the next commission 10X better than this one
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Anonymous21: hung i did come focking helll
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Anonymous22: Awesome
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Anonymous23: Your intercurses are much beter than than shemales.
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Anonymous24: *•~. -|-
Anon19, fuck you! DT is one hell of an artist! I bet you nor half the people that have posted can draw half as well as him. Prove me wrong. And be patient. DT is giving you this for free. Be happy with that or go find a girl/guy to fuck. And for those who are spazzing out over his non-dickgirl pics, keep in mind you know his art when it was dick girl and probably fapped to it to.
-|- .~•*
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Anonymous25: Vega2503: A. You're a homo, B. There's no such thing as "good DG stuff", and C. you're a homo. It's about time DT did his drawing talents justice and used them for the greater good (ie, for the majority of us who are not faggots in denial).

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