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Mar 27, 2019 3:14 PM

Apr 2018
Great Ep 10/10. That ending tho, Another setup. I hate malty so damn much malty is way better.
Mar 27, 2019 3:18 PM

Aug 2018
Good efpisode. I see it’s Troll O’Clock here on the board today, so I’ll be skipping along.
Mar 27, 2019 3:28 PM

Dec 2018
Of course, the protagonist when he suffers from bullying, everyone supports him, but when he shows that he is as asshole as the other heroes when he has the opportunity to trying to humiliate to king same way we must support him because this was treated unjustly and unjustifiably, this show only used cheap manipulation take to the public, at least that smartphone junk was honest and simple, tateyuusha is pretentious pretends to be taken seriously.
Mar 27, 2019 3:32 PM

Apr 2015
Glass is so overpowered, I am not surprised that Noafumi is the only one who can last this long against her at this point of time, but damn they really want to make those other 3 hero's look weak. So in the end it's a draw, but they are in for a lot of trouble when the next wave hits.

So Naofumi gets summoned to the Castle and boy I love how he talked back to the king. Serves him right.

So someone plotted to get Melty murdered, well this sure can change a lot of things.. I wonder if he will be framed for this as well.. I bet Malty was behind it....
Mar 27, 2019 3:33 PM

Dec 2014
Good episode but I guess I just don't like the LN's version of the events as much as the WN. I also think one of the things that they are really overplaying is showing how incompetent the other heroes are. The other three are actually pretty strong, it's just that they have very warped mindsets.

The best scene of the episode was definitely the one with Naofumi talking down to the king, that was pure awesome.
Melty talking down Malty was great as well.

The guard running at Melty definitely looked really off. I feel they could've executed that much better.
Mar 27, 2019 3:49 PM

Feb 2009
Dafuq did melty think when she asked Naofumi to apologize to the king? Like he did anything wrong. Screw the king, Naofumi should have mop the floo with this bastard after the threat against his groupmembers, maybe that would have teached that asshole a lesson.
Mar 27, 2019 4:13 PM

Apr 2014
Wtf this cliffhanger, someone pls give me the manga chapter so that I can continue!!
Mar 27, 2019 4:18 PM

Feb 2015
After the trash fire of the first arc the series has improved alot to the point it's actually a very good show.

Im certainly interested to see where the attack on melty goes
Mar 27, 2019 4:46 PM

Mar 2019
Ehh was a bit boring this episode, expected more after the end last week. And it was dumb for that guy to just start charging her with his sword out
Mar 27, 2019 5:03 PM

Nov 2011
Okay, I can see why people had issue with the music in the episode. I mean, I did like all the different scores on their own. Having said that, none of it works for setting an appropriate tone for the episode. The music played during the shield of rage bit in episode 8 would have been better for vs Glass. And anything would have been better for what happened at the end of the episode.
Mar 27, 2019 5:07 PM

Apr 2016
That went by way too quickly and it even has to end off at a cliff-hanger. I really can't wait for the next episode.
Mar 27, 2019 5:12 PM
Jan 2016
Damn, Glass is really strong, other heroes didn't even stand a chance, Naofumi managed to stand against her, but his iron maiden skill didn't affect her, but he managed to run away before wave end!

But waves are still a mistery, Naofumi managed to see reamining time to the wave ending, but even Glass is a mistery, i am really curious to know more about her!

The court scene between Naofumi and the king was so satisfying to watch, "if you want to know, kneel before me", Naofumi was so badass, i loved that!

I wonder who is the women that talked to Naofumi after he left court, but she is somewhat related to Melty!

I am also curious to know what happened in king's past!

Melty arguing against Malty trully showed us who is superior!

So at the end Melty's guards tried to assassinate her, and i am glad Naofumi was close to feel the killing instict and save her, but why would they try to kill her with Naofumi close, i dont get it because it was obvious he would save her!

That clifhanger is almost killing me! Cant wait for next episode!
LimaolcMar 27, 2019 5:27 PM
Mar 27, 2019 5:25 PM

May 2017
Damn that battle is short and underwhelming. So much is cut out. The overuse of solid color backgrounds sucks as well.
Kevin's music is top notch, but orchestra music just doesn't fit with shounen battles. It works for everything else though!
Other than that, it's alright.
copyrightRingoMar 27, 2019 5:28 PM
「ボクは…確かに現実に絶望している。だけど、自分には絶望していない!! 今がつまらないか…楽しいのか…平凡なのか…決めているのは現実じゃない。決めるのはボクだ!!ボクが望めば不可能はない!!」-桂木桂馬
"True, I've given up on the real world. However, I haven't given up on myself!! The world doesn't get to decide whether my life is boring, fun, or ordinary because that's my decision to make!! As long as I have the will, nothing is impossible!!" -Katsuragi Keima
Mar 27, 2019 5:29 PM

May 2017
aww snap we got a good cliffhanger y'all. Can't wait for next wednesday. Filo is gonna get those knights asses (I hope)
Mar 27, 2019 5:33 PM

Nov 2017
Glass gives me Shalltear vibes. She’s indeed quite OP. Makes me really wonder why and how she is so OP. Props for Naofumi’s performance.. and Raph’s aswell.
Naofumi’s talk to the king was one of the most satisfying things I’ve ever seen. Damn loved every bit of that scene so damn epic. Hehe feelsgood.
Elhart best boi
And once again Naofumi’s talk to Melty was just too good I love how Naofumi behaves and talks. It all feels so like a build-up and his distrust and hatred for the royal family is completely understandable and just. Hopefully Melty will realize how bad her father and sister actually are soon. Naofumi and Raphtalia are definitely my most favorite characters of this anime.
Yo I so enjoyed this episode best one so far yet ooo I can’t wait for next week’s episode I want more more!!!

Mar 27, 2019 5:45 PM
Mar 2019
Tomak said:
Okay, so I don't usually post things on MAL because I don't think people care what I think about a show. But this episode is so bad and seeing how many people are praising this episode is starting to annoy me. I haven't loved this anime so far my opinion has been that it is fine or okay at best. But this episode was absolute trash.

First of all the music in the fight against Glass was so weird, the tones clashed so hard I think it broke my neck. The show seemed to want the fight to be a serious one. Naofumi meets a force so much more powerful than himself, never has he met someone this powerful. We were supposed to be scared or at least be intimidated. But the music felt like... I can't really explain it. I will say that the music was fine before the op and after a while it became better. But the time right after the op was so bad I thought they were going for a comedic tone.

That was not helped by absolute stellar animation. That was sarcasm if anyone missed that. There were the three other heroes stale and unnatural movements. After they were called servants each one slid into the frame. Now I do get that this was supposed to be a gag like "look at these idiots being all prideful, haha!" But the way the slid in felt so weird. The camera jerking backward only to have a which was almost still frames of the three heroes appear felt weird. Now I know about limited animation, I don't have a problem with it in general. But this particular shot just felt off.

The fight itself also felt boring. It didn't feel natural at all. Just felt like one thing happening after another, there was no flow of combat. Now I don't say that each action has to connect to the other, but at least feeling like they are somehow connected might have helped. I also think this could have been fixed if Naofumi moved a bit more, I feel like that would have made it feel more alive.

Then we have the 3D animation. It was distractingly bad. Now I know this show has had bad 3D animation multiple times. But this might have had one of the worst instances. I am of course talking about the Meltys guards. Holy shit it looks like they were glitching while they were moving. I also think I remember a bird that looked like it was going to break its own wing while flying this episode, and I don't think birds are supposed to do that.

And of course, I also need to talk about things that happened in the scenes. I hated the way Glass speaks. I hate the way she asks "Is this all you've got" like 35 times during her few minutes of screentime. She just strengthens my opinion that this is an anime with a good, original concept but is blandly and unoriginal in its writing. And I kind of hate that.

We also have the scene with Naofumi and the king. Which was pretty great. I loved how Naofumi asked him to beg for it and I felt like that was both a surprising and in character thing to say. However, I did not like it when the king threatened Filo and Raphtalia. I like it as a concept but I felt like it was executed pretty badly. It was not that bad but I felt that the darkening of the scene was a bit much and I feel like the whole thing would have felt a lot more natural if Naofumi maybe stood with his back against the king for a few seconds before turning. I kind of felt like there was not enough build up.

I also really disliked the way Raphtalia and Filo reacted when Melty asked if they thought Naofumi and the king should go and make up. They suddenly acted like Naofumi was half the problem and like he just needed to take the first step. They might not be aware that he was falsely accused of rape but I am sure they are aware of how the king and other people have treated him. And I mean Melty was told by her mother to make sure that her father doesn't act like too much of a shit towards the shield hero so I am sure she is aware that Naofumi is not the first part of this problem that needs to be solved. And what incentive do Raphtalia and Filo have for wanting Naofumi to get along with the king? They are aware that they are being treated like shit and that Naofumi is paranoid and an asshole for a reason. I get that they might want him to get along with Melty but the king, really?
Edit: Someone explained the scene a bit to me. And it is not as bad as I thought. However, their soft reactions were still pretty weird.

Also the scene right after the king. When Naofumi meets the mystical girl was kind of strange. Well.. the way she dangled the cross in his face was kind of weird. I get that that will probably be important later but it was such a weird situation. And the fact that Naofumi didn't really react was also strange.

I really like the last thing though. About the assassination attempt on Melty. I really liked that. I don't really understand why it felt like a set up to Naofumi but there might be a reason I am too stupid to understand. Maybe that someone was watching through the crystal ball? I don't know. Regardless I really liked it and I am excited to see where it leads.

I would give this episode a 2/10. (Also sorry for any spelling errors, English is not my first language.)
damn fucking with this studio, all the adaptations that are obtained are just an insult from them, they say the anime will follow LN is just fucking nonsense, try to think about whether they seriously want to make this event popular with all the stupid and destructive steps, now this event no longer popular since they changed a lot of stories from LN, the results of this event turned into garbage and I don't care anymore about the garbage program produced by this studio, thank you for giving this worst show
Mar 27, 2019 5:47 PM

Feb 2014
Was I listening to some violin concerto lmao feels so off

"For the sake of humankind, I forsake my humanity." - Cherry
Mar 27, 2019 5:48 PM
Mar 2019
with the way they set up the previous episode with the Introduction of glass, i was pretty hyped for this episode but its pretty uderwhelming, i expected some Sakuga fights between shield hero and glass but what i got was a fight that had the animation of berserk 2016, a really let down considering how hyped i was for this episode.
Mar 27, 2019 6:12 PM

Apr 2015
SSL443 said:
Is this series turning into a farce on purpose? I have no idea what the tone of this show is supposed to be anymore. The first half of the episode was nothing short of actual comedy, and the rest was just a giant stroke-fest for fan revenge boners.

The only way this show even has a plot is by keeping everything a mystery for no reason, and ending each episode on some contrived cliffhanger.
why are you still watching this show ?? when will you drop this ? even though you already know how bad this show for you
stop being stupid n wasting your time
Mar 27, 2019 6:16 PM

Aug 2015
Ohh great episode again,, i cant wait for next episode
Mar 27, 2019 6:27 PM

Nov 2011
Everyone is bringing up how Naofumi is a boss for standing up to the King (Which he is) and for how big of a bitch Malty is (which she is!) for the assassination attempt. But That woman in the dress is the biggest mystery IMO.

She obviously has some kind of connection to Melty but what could it be. She told Naofumi to basically not trust anyone and gave him a pendent as well. Was it the Queen??? WAS IT GLASS??? That would be an amazing twist.

But yeah who she is is the question I want to know now.
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Mar 27, 2019 6:30 PM

Dec 2016
Kritoveris said:
why are you still watching this show ?? when will you drop this ? even though you already know how bad this show for you
stop being stupid n wasting your time

Why does every crybaby come back with this same inane response? I'm still watching because I'm still enjoying the show.
Mar 27, 2019 6:30 PM

Sep 2018
Kritoveris said:
why are you still watching this show ?? when will you drop this ? even though you already know how bad this show for you
stop being stupid n wasting your time

Maybe he's a masochist?
Mar 27, 2019 6:57 PM

May 2016
as much as I like the story, I wish they'd put more effort into some of the fight scene animation

Mar 27, 2019 7:08 PM

Nov 2017
HaXXspetten said:
Wait why didn't they just kill her while they were travelling if her own guards were conspiring against her? Why wait all the way until she'd met up with Naofumi and actually had someone that could both witness the incident but also maybe protect her?
There is a reason for that
Mar 27, 2019 7:09 PM

May 2012
Assuming the older sister ordered to murder the crown princess, this is going to have some good development after the failled attempt.

And Glass being overpowered was meh at best. When Shield left the boat where were the other 3 ? Why the fuck they allways use the same move ? Meteorite this Meteorite that Meteoritemaballs.
Mar 27, 2019 7:17 PM

Oct 2015
I bet it was that witch that set up Naofumi, to hate your own sister like that is pure evil.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Mar 27, 2019 7:20 PM
Jul 2018
episode was meh. that music during the glass fight made it seem like they're performing for a circus
Mar 27, 2019 7:21 PM
Jan 2019
That cliff hanger at the end has me begging for more! Wednesday has overtaken Saturday as the day I look forward to the most 😁
Mar 27, 2019 8:09 PM
Feb 2019
HAAA!!!!!! My Soul is screaming. I can't wait for the next week.
Mar 27, 2019 8:22 PM

Nov 2015
This is consistently becoming more and more mediocre.

Fuck Malty man, bitch. Melty is pretty cute tho.
Mar 27, 2019 8:25 PM

Dec 2016
Damn! Is Naofumi trying to test the King's limits?? I got scarred for a moment at Shield Hero's provocations, but at the same time he deserved it.

Uh oh, Malty didn't look happy at all with sister's words that she send a guard to assassinate her? What in the world is wrong with her?! She's trash! Not surprising though -_-" guess I was expecting something like this soon... Can't wait to see the punnishment for her selfish actions!

This was a ok episode.

[*]My Completed List
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Mar 27, 2019 8:31 PM

Jan 2011
once the wave ended i was just thinking to myself there's no way that's the end of it right? just waiting for the moment

anyways i really don't know what to say about this show anymore lol that ending was something, that as of now makes no sense besides the fact it looked like a setup so we'll have to wait and see why they didn't just straight up kill her instead of recording it on their mystical globe
Mar 27, 2019 8:31 PM

Jan 2013
What an intense episode! I'm glad that they didn't manage to kill Glass because it would be too easy and not interesting at all, watching her retreat from the wave is the best outcome, their next fight will be even better! But this time Naofumi gotta have the skills xD

Naofumi's most badass moment hahaha

That ending...what a way to end the episode! Can't believe that someone would think about killing her, and the only person that could have ever thought about this is Malty, for sure!
Glad that Naofumi protected her...this guy already has the required training to detect shitty situations incoming xD
Can't wait for the next one!

Mica-Chan10 said:
Now I'm wondering if the King comes from a previous marriage where he had Malty & where the previous Shield hero either chose not to help or came in too late to save his wife from death during the wave. Considering the Queen has the power I imagine he married into the royal line & had Melty with the Queen. Explains why she is next in line for the thrown instead of her older sister.

This also explains how Malty can be cold enough to likely plan the assassination of her sister. Though I don't think she cares for the results because it'll be a win win situation for her if at least temporarily. Don't think she believes Naofumi would kill the guards and neither do I so either Melty dies and the guards return to the kingdom to blame him for her death or Naofumi protects her by taking her with him and the guards return ready to frame him for Melty's kidnapping to further fuel the King's hydrated. Making it sound convincing due to his recent treats towards the King.

Damn, that actually makes a lot of sense!
BarnaldMar 30, 2019 10:13 AM
"There is no such thing as an Anime elitist. You watch Anime, therefore, you are trash by society's standards."

Mar 27, 2019 9:00 PM
Jan 2016
Fahim654 said:
Yourmom53 said:
God this series is stupid not only nothing happens in the first 15 minutes but for some reason not only the assassin was going to kill the princess right in front of the Shield Hero but for some reason he was going to run towards her with his sword out
lol you'll get the explanation on the next episode. and if this series stupid for you then why don't you drop it temporarily and watch it after all episodes come out?

I know the reason and its still stupid also mind your own watching schedule
Mar 27, 2019 9:18 PM
Mar 2017
Naofumi is getting stronger despite the disadvantage of not having done the class up, I'm sure that if he did, he could have given Glass a better fight.
Glass humiliated the three heroes and gave them where it hurts most, the pride, besides Glass turned out to be very strong, she defeated Firo and broke the sword of Raphtalia easily, she also possessed a technique capable of piercing the defense of the shield hero.
In the end Naofumi and the girls manage to hold until the end of the wave, but for his bad luck he is summoned by the scum king to report his battle against the boss monster, obviously the scum king doesn't like that Naofumi has triumphed, besides that It is obvious that he fears the power of the shield of the wrath, which is totally unknown to the old coward, but Naofumi demands that the king kneel to beg for information about his power, which infuriates and orders his soldiers to attack him , but Naofumi intimidates them with his achievement in this wave and the cowards retreat and he tells the king that he will fulfill his duty to fight in the waves, but the king is still furious and makes the mistake of threatening Naofumi that he will make Raphtalia and Firo to pay for his offense, but this only turns on the wrath of Naofumi and threatens the king that if he touches one of the girl's hair, he will regret having been born, because he will feel the power of his wrath, I think at that moment the king shit himself of the fear, you could feel how he shit in his throne, Naofumi showed all his wrath towards royalty in those words.
I resent the moment when Naofumi meets the Queen's Shadow, I was expecting her to look like the manga, but at least she spoke using that strange accent at the end.
I laughed a lot about how the king is afraid of Melty, the scum king treats his little daughter with affection only because he knows that she reports everything to his wife, that sad bastard without authority and Mal-bitch appears to say her stupid lines that are totally ignored by the little princess, what I can understand is that poor Melty is unaware of what her father and sister did to Naofumi and Raphtalia and her innocent attempts to reconcile them are practically useless, but the ingenuity of Melty is adorable.
Elhart is a good friend, he not only does trust that Naofumi is not what the rumors say, apart from helping him and providing him with good quality equipment and weapons, he left several gifts for his trip, and I want to see how Raphtalia uses the new magic sword.
Naofumi starts his trip to his new destination to do the class up, Firo drinking coffee was so lovely, especially when she blows the cup and then she burns her tongue. But the peaceful journey ends when Melty with her escort appear and the little princess orders Naofumi to apologize to her father, but obviously he refused repeatedly, provoking the girl's anger, and Melty mentions that if Naofumi doesn't apologizes to her father, her mother will be angry with the king ... damn the king has zero power in this kingdom, at least when the queen is present, I want the queen to appear and give a hard lesson to the scum of her husband and send to a brothel to the bitch of his eldest daughter. But unfortunately this could not end well and we see how an escort of Melty attacked her, which I'm sure will start another period in which Naofumi is the villain and it is more than clear that Mal-bitch is responsible for this attempt of murder.

By the name of the next episode, it is clear that the soldiers must be of some religious cult, I would even say that they are from the church of the three heroes, but we will know this until the next episode.
Mar 27, 2019 9:45 PM
Dec 2018
Just going to put this right here, i read some people here saying how the music vs glass was horrible, sometimes i wonder if we are watching the same thing but for me the music was fine, it give me the vibe of a hopeless fight. For the few things to complain about music isnt one this show has perfect soundtrack. My only complain in this ep was really they not adding the bit were naofumi steals the sp potion out of knockout myne after he stepped on her face. Also for anime watcher only notice how that woman that meet naofumi after the burn of the king she said "de gozaro"
Mar 27, 2019 10:13 PM

Aug 2012
VeryLTTP said:
nightcrawlercyp said:
The other heroes are stronger but do not know how to use their powers. Also their abilities are pretty limited because they did not have to work hard to get them. There is one sequence that shows how the other "heroes"

The other heroes are also strongly convinced that the world plays out exactly like the game they played in their respective Japans. Not only does this mindset hinder their power, but it also makes their strategies one-dimensional as demonstrated last episode.
Yes, exactly. I mean all 3 used the same attack. They could have mixed things up a bit at least.

Blblblbl said:
Sooo... The first half of the episode was the fight between Glass and Naofumi and... Well, it was kind of dull. Just Glass being OP and dealing with Naofumi's attack with ease, some generic bad guy phrases and other heroes being useless as always.
Naofumi and the king scene was pretty satisfying.
Then Melty acting like the quarrel with the king was Naofumi's fault and telling him to apologize. Ugh. I understand she wants them to reconcile, but it could be put in a different way. Also, what the hell was with this assassination attempt? I really want to believe, that due to some kind of scheme it had to look like this. Otherwise it was terrible.
This episode was not bad, but it could be done much better.
Malty decided is time to get rid of Melty and Naofumi for good.

Arcos said:
Dafuq did melty think when she asked Naofumi to apologize to the king? Like he did anything wrong. Screw the king, Naofumi should have mop the floo with this bastard after the threat against his groupmembers, maybe that would have teached that asshole a lesson.
She does not know the whole story with the king. She thinks reconciliation is possible and tries to get both sides to work together.

SoraSenpai said:
Everyone is bringing up how Naofumi is a boss for standing up to the King (Which he is) and for how big of a bitch Malty is (which she is!) for the assassination attempt. But That woman in the dress is the biggest mystery IMO.

She obviously has some kind of connection to Melty but what could it be. She told Naofumi to basically not trust anyone and gave him a pendent as well. Was it the Queen??? WAS IT GLASS??? That would be an amazing twist.

But yeah who she is is the question I want to know now.
BarnaldMar 30, 2019 10:15 AM
Mar 27, 2019 10:24 PM

May 2016
SSL443 said:
Why does every crybaby come back with this same inane response? I'm still watching because I'm still enjoying the show.

No. You're not watching this show because you enjoy it. You're watching this show because you enjoy complaining about it. I've been reading your posts on previous threads about this anime and it's clear to me that you don't know anything about the real world or just how bad life can be, especially on the subject of slavery. I could give you an entire history lesson on the subject but since you made it clear that only your word is law and everyone else is below you when it comes to different opinions and such I'm not going to bother because anything I say you'll just ignore anyway.

You know what your are my friend? You're one of those people who only watches anime because you're bored and have nothing better to do. If fact, you're probably so bored with life itself you have to find things to complain about. Whenever you see something you don't like you make your mission to let the whole world know and will go even further by belittling those who disagree while ignoring others who try to explain it to you because it doesn't match you own point of view. A wise person would dropped this anime and moved on to something else a long time ago and you're definitely not one of them no matter how much you like to think you are.

You've only stayed with this anime because people on this forum reply to you, and when they do you are overjoyed by it because you are getting attention. It makes you feel important. And in the meantime you enjoy making other people feel miserable for even liking this show. I wonder, could you by any chance be related to Malty? Because I certainly see a resemblance with the way you say your words.

And before you start calling me another one of those "fanboy crybabies" let me tell you something. I've had my own complaints about this anime too but I've kept quiet about it for three reasons. One, I don't complain unless I have a very good reason to. Second, I got better things to do than to bitch about every single thing I don't like. And three, any complaint I do give I allow the benefit of the doubt because chances are I could be wrong in my thinking. In fact, I welcome anyone who disagrees with me because there's always a chance for me to change my opinion because I didn't understand it the first time like they did. That seems to be something you're not capable of.

I wasted enough words with you but I will give you one piece of advice. You better be careful with what you say and do with that attitude of yours otherwise you might find yourself in situation similar to Naofumi. You're intelligent, I'll give you that, but not experienced. Your thinking pattern suggest two dimensional thinking. Have a good day, my friend.
"You talk too much. Think too much."
"I don't care how justified you think your reasons are. I won't tolerate liars or thieves."
"If you're not going to be nice to me, don't expect me to be nice to you."
"I'm a soldier, not a superhero. Don't ever think of me as one."
"The world doesn't revolve around you. Get that through your thick skull."
"People who live by their emotions go nowhere in their lives. They only find misery.
"If you don't like the way your life is than do something about it instead of sitting there feeling sorry for yourself."
"You want something go get it. Period."
Mar 27, 2019 10:30 PM

Aug 2012
PurpleGirl203 said:
Damn! Is Naofumi trying to test the King's limits?? I got scarred for a moment at Shield Hero's provocations, but at the same time he deserved it.

Uh oh, Malty didn't look happy at all with sister's words that she send a guard to assassinate her? What in the world is wrong with her?! She's trash! Not surprising though -_-" guess I was expecting something like this soon... Can't wait to see the punnishment for her selfish actions!

This was a ok episode.
People that do not fear death can stand up to anyone. Also Naofumi realized he had huge leverage and also that the king was too weak to stop him at this point. Even if someone is in a position of power does not always mean that he cannot be treated like this. Is all about leverage
Mar 27, 2019 10:47 PM

Jun 2017
Hatsuyuki said:
Jazzuke said:
yay... another poorly constructed cliffhanger.

It's not the cliffhanger that bothers me, it's the whole situation. It's hilarious how they had to wait until they caught up with the Shield Hero for trying to murder Melty instead of just doing it on the way to meet up with them. Now the Shield Hero can protect the damsel in distress.

Snot-nosed_Brat said:
this episode was shit from an animation standpoint... is this really the same studio that did made in abyss?

at this point i might as well read the manga -_-

That's weird because this episode has more actual animation than the previous ones and spotted even a sakuga scene (

Like, that is not bad animation my dude, I don't understand where the complaints are coming from.

Sakuga does not excuse the characters going off model and the horrible CG animation they used. In particular, that scene where the loli princess was approaching the shield hero on horse drawn carriage was garbage. Even if there are a few good scenes scattered throughout the episode, it still shitty animation if the quality is inconsistent as hell. That's not even mentioning the shitty digitally made backgrounds...
Snot-nosed_BratMar 27, 2019 10:56 PM
Mar 27, 2019 10:55 PM

Sep 2016
Can they stop making this a comedy already please? I love the manga for this, it has that dark atmosphere fitting for someone who had his life ruined and Shieldbro is much more angry too. In the anime, he's close to being a joker now. Where are all the hateful monologues wtf...

Regardless, this episode was good. Hope they do another 40 min episode.
Mar 27, 2019 11:02 PM

May 2015
Three heroes with high levels attack Glass all at once...No damage!

Well Glass is way beyond the heroes' ability right now. They're going to need to step up if they even want to scratch her...

"How did Captain Japan obtain such strength?" Through training. Duh... the King has something against demi-humans...

Apologize? After what the king did to him? Hell no! If anything, the King should apologize to him!

Hmm...I was about to drop a lot of points off Melty until she mentioned her mother, which gives Japan an idea...One of those guards was holding a crystal ball though, meaning he was being watched. But that soldier charged forward and looked like he was about to assassinate Melty. I bet it's Malty's doing so that she can ascend to the throne when the King dies. It could also be something else, but we'll wait until next episode to see what's up.
TarotistMar 27, 2019 11:05 PM
Mar 27, 2019 11:20 PM
Oct 2007
BlackLatias said:
The king actually does have valid reasons, but they are mentioned at a point in the LN that the anime won't cover. As most of the villans/antagonists in SH his behaviour is over the top and all, but the reasons behind are actually realistic, I think. The king is probably the only villain/antagonist I kind of like in SH, lol.
Malty just likes to f shit up, she doesn't really have any other reasons for it, only that she is an entitled brat. And while people like her really do exist in RL it doesn't make for a good villain, admittedly.

I think the show kind of hinted in this episode. Is this related to what the King saying he will lose his family yet again if he let the hero and demi-humans do whatever they want?
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Mar 27, 2019 11:55 PM
Nov 2018
I feel like the fundamental story is good (see manga) but the director here just sucks. Maybe needs to show more and tell less. The fight felt a little more dramatic when I read it in the manga though he was outclassed. It gave glass a reason to respect his strength.
Mar 28, 2019 12:21 AM

Feb 2014
Everyone is waiting for Malty to be owned. God how much we hate her!!
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Mar 28, 2019 12:30 AM

Dec 2016
DirectorK said:
I've been reading your posts on previous threads about this anime and it's clear to me that you don't know anything about the real world or just how bad life can be, especially on the subject of slavery.

So you're saying slavery is worse than I think? Better? What does this have to do with my complaints about the show?

Thanks for the attention, by the way.

Rhapsody- said:
Damn! Look what you did @SSL443, you just broke this poor guy who only wants to enjoy his show. I hope you're happy now :'(

This would be a great copypaste meme if it wouldn't be so long.

Yeah... I'm not out to ruin anyone's enjoyment, if you can believe it. Because I personally don't let whether a show is bad or not get in the way of my own enjoyment.
Mar 28, 2019 12:59 AM
Jan 2019
Basically +1 to this:
otaku_trash1236 said:
Like always Shield hero is strongest when there is dialogue or intrigue and weakest in the action scenes.

The scene where he told the king to grovel to him or shove off was 10x more entertaining than almost any fights, with the exception of the Spear vs Shield Duel which itself had serious emotional investment.

This is why I hate the "ughh why are they talking we need more action, why are the fights so shooooort why isn't this show SAO" crowd of critics.

There are some real issues in action scenes the show. They are not even animation issues per se, seems like the problem is on the level of actual storyboarding.

On another hand, the character expressions in dialogue scenes are great :D
Mar 28, 2019 2:49 AM
Aug 2018
I read the manga starting from last episode to chapter 26 and the manga seems so much worse than the anime. There seems to be little detail in the manga. Very few panels are used to describe events.
People with low average anime scores don't have high standards. They are just bad at choosing good anime to watch.
Mar 28, 2019 2:56 AM

Dec 2016
Welp; things escalated quickly towards the end. It's either somebody in the royal family set her up to die, which would most likely be that older slut, or, somebody is putting him to a test, probably Melty's assassination was never a true intent but a test to see what Naofumi would do, and probably he did the right thing, what led me to believe that is the shining marble that soldier was holding, whoever was it that set this up was probably observing through that.
I wonder what about the other countries, so the heroes are defending this kingdom, are there other heroes for each country? Is this country the only one attacked by waves? If so, that raises a lot of question like what a raid anyway? Probably a country is putting a curse on another which led to these waves? I really hope they unraveled more on this at the current season.
At least the king loves his family? I mean, he looked very concerned on what might his daughter think of him he might just be in a great decline of Naofumi's true intentions, probably he just wants the best to the kingdom but someone is putting him on the wrong tracks.
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