Thank you so much for recording my script! I loved how gentle your voice came thoughout the audio and the emotion you added throughout. Excellent performance! I mentioned it a bit in my script description, but this script was inspired by an old high school memory. I did modify it to work and flow better as a script, but I think I captured some of those same feelings that I experienced in that moment. This was one of the first scripts I shared back when I first started writing a year ago. It's been amazing to see the positive response from both VAs and listeners. Thanks again for lending your VA talent to bring this script to life in your own, unique way. I loved it!
I actually cried at the end of this, this was so wonderfully made. Thank you for making these videos, I feel like they help me a lot with my personal issues
This is wholesome. For the script and the impression : you can feel the emotions in the voice ! It's really great, it makes my week worth it in the end.
Thank you Storm once again for an upload right on time! I've got to wake up tomorrow at 4 in the morning to start my road trip so I really need to get some sleep. Thankfully Storm always delivers.
This is absolutely perfect, I'm a lonely person so everyday when I'm going to sleep I just go to this channel and I feel so cozy,so comfortable,for a minute, I feel happy and safe❤️
Part 2 : he proposes... But anyway... What you're doing is incredible! It's relaxing and very comforting. I totally jumped on the notification as soon as I turned on my phone. I hope that RUclips's algorithm will give you incredible visibility so that you can share what you do with as many people as possible... YOU DESERVE IT SO MUCH 💗💗
This is simultaneously the most sweet and heartbreaking audio. The words, the performance and emotion behind it are all wonderful, but irl I'm quite alone, romantically. Thanks for the aspirational fantasy. Both to the VA and the writer. Maybe someday.
I can't remember the exact part, but this whole video made me cry so hard❤ I really miss my ex, and I'm super touch starved, so this made me super happy/sad/whatever that feeling is. I just wish I still had someone to snuggle and kiss at night. I feel like saying "I love you too," would sound weird since im 13 and this isn't real and she knows nothing about me, but it really feels like I am loved when I listen to this. Thank you❤
Update; 7:33 the part where she says "I love you so much" really broke me.The fact that my ex could never say it with such emotion and true love, but some random person doing an audio thing can is truly shocking.
great job guys 👏 you commented so much about the scripts that now Storm had to start her video by clarifying that she uses PUBLIC scripts, something that she had already explained before in the description of her videos (that apparently no one reads)
Omg I’m crying this is so beautiful. I love stuff like this where I’m so immersed. As she turn away, embarrassed, I hugged my pillow I imagined I was cuddling her. Trying to comfort her. To my surprise she said. “Hey, that’s not fair, putting your arms tightly around me.” As if the script writer knew exactly how I was going react. Lol Also I empathize HARD with the girlfriend. I feel like I’m not brave enough to say how I really feel.
What amazing masterpiece and amazing upload as always. The bedt type of an asmr after a ling video thank you for the upload. The script is so thoughtfully written, and your VA just brought it to live. I connect to the speaker character a lot on this one. She is so shy but still enabled to show her feelings towards the listener. i loved how the speaker character was playing sleepy but still listed to every word. I am super shy when i am around a girl because i get super nervous because i might say something wrong to get rejected or make her feel uncomfortable. Lately, we have a time where it's super hard to show your feelings towards someone. Anyway, I hope we will have a part 2 where the speaker character is brave enough to show her feelings towards the listener in public or at their place. Amazing upload as always. Storm, you are too kind to us, and thank you for putting a smile on my face. Now, if you excuse me, I hear a bunk calling my name. P.S to everyone who has made this far I just want to let you know that you all are deserving of love. I hope you will find soon the perfect partner. If you haven't heard it recently I love you and I am proud of you. I wish you all a wonderful rest of your friday and amazing weekend ahead of you full of smiles, joy and love.
@@CovertCalifornian1957 Hey, I am glad to hear that it put a smile on your face remember, you are deserving of love and happiness, friend. I hope that it's around the corner for you
Hearing your rendition of this script is quite the treat. Due to my failing short-term memory, I can not fully remember the other version I heard. However, I'm almost certain yours is my favorite one. Your style makes it so I can practically feel the words against my ears. It helps the story and scene ascend to a greater height this way.
Ahh yes storm thank you for making my friday and end of week better after a hardworking day of studying 📖 for my finals i really needed a comfort and relaxation Thanks so much storm ❤️
You can tell me what you want, but she’s definitely having the best voice for asmr out there. Not only that, but her acting is also incredible imo. There are still other people that do the same stuff that I still prefer more, but that’s just because they have more to offer in terms of the quantity of videos/audios.
May I say something? Ok, I'll say it anyway: we are here for YOU. Is this a public script? Is it original? Well, it doesn't matter, when YOU are acting and putting your own work on it. It's just perfect to me ❤ And thank you for being here for us
A cute and relaxing audio, with a desire spoken aloud by your character wanting to change the status quo by becoming the listener's wife one day, is quite rare and a delight to hear. Thank you for this affectionate story, Storm.
... storm , stop being so good ...😅 Every time i watch you i fell like listening to real thing ... Then it end and i m brutally remembered that its just a rp played by a pro ... 😢
As someone who deals with PTSD, I just had to say thanks so much for what you do. Thankfully life has mostly been very good to me, but because of that most people are unaware of my struggle. These types of problems are tough to explain to others, so having a soft and kind word to quickly turn to when things go downhill really really means a lot 🙏
My god this was so sweet! Now I'm not gonna lie normally sleep aids aren't my thing but this was too cute. I swear to god I was so into the audio and the parts where she was talking about when she first meet the listener, I felt like i was in the audio itself lol. I haven't listened to much asmr this week but it's audios like this that remind me why I love being apart and listening to asmr so much. And will I guess this is another part of becoming a top commenter lol, hehe. 💜🐊👑
Few days ago I broke up with my girl. She never says these type of words In front of me. She only sends me hand letters but never tells me face to face. I wish I had someone like this girl in this video.
With the whispering and the rain combined, I'm surprised the listener was able to stay awake for this long. Brilliant work as always, Storm. I hope you have a relaxing weekend.
@messageinabottle-asmr i was having sleep troubles. Hearing this, i slept like a log. Im back to listen to the rest of the audio. Im grateful for this channel
@@amergaming9674 hm do you have insomnia? If so, maybe I can help you. Here are some tips. 1. Play a super long video of heavy rain if it helps you relax. 2. If you have a ton of energy or have overactive thoughts, try doing an intense workout while watching a movie or show. 3. To unwind properly, try watching a very long movie. I recommend Oppenheimer. It's sorta educational but man it made me doze Off repeatedly. It's a historical movie. 4. Maybe try reading a boring book. 5. Try cooking yourself something to eat then take a warm shower. It may help. 6. If all that doesn't work, go for some melatonin to help get to sleep.
💙 the audio This girl is so lovely. If I were awake to hear her say these things to me, I'd get so damn weak in the knees cause I'm falling for her or emotional from her kind and loving words.
You've uploaded at the perfect time storm! I'm about to go to bed before my last shift at a cafe before starting a care job! BTW I've managed to program my mind to instantly relax my body when I put your asmr on, so I'm bound to sleep well 😴 Edit: I REALLY hope there's a part 2 - The proposal!
Long post ahead...To those intrepid souls willing to embark on this verbose journey, I offer my heartfelt gratitude. Your dedication to the written word is commendable. To those who prefer their wit in more concise packages, I bid you a fond farewell. No hard feelings, old chaps... Well, what have we here? A most peculiar specimen in the wild romance yonder. It appears we've stumbled upon a rare breed: the bully in disguise a.k.a. reverse bully, or as I like to call it, the mean wolf in cute sheep's pyjamas. In these romantic scenarios, one expects the bully to be a bit rough around the edges - all teasing remarks and mocking jabs, with a dash of meanness for good measure. But lo and behold, beneath that prickly exterior usually lurks a heart of gold, wounded and waiting for love's tender embrace. This, however, is an entirely different "kettle of fish". Our seemingly demure damsel is not what she appears. At first blush, she's all sugar and spice and everything nice. Batting her eyelashes, whispering sweet nothings - but this crafty minx is playing the long game. Now, here's the real catch-22: she knew all along that we were awake. She orchestrated the whole affair, you see. Listen closely to the audio, and you'll quickly comprehend that when she slipped into bed, she tossed and turned again and again, as frantically as a washing machine on an extreme spin-drying program. Subtle as a brass band... Then, sweet as treacle and gentle as a lamb, she whispers soothing words lulling one into a false sense of security. But wait, what's this? Amidst the honeyed murmurs, she drops the 'M' bomb - marriage, of all things! Without so much as a by-your-leave or a cautionary klaxon! If this isn't psychological warfare level bullying disguised as pillow talk... Besides, today it's "I hope to be your wife," tomorrow it's "I've redecorated the entire estate in mauve." Mark my words, it always ends in mauve... Of course, I'm far too clever to fall for such tricks. Though I must admit, the creator's interpretation of this role is rather... impressive. One might almost say touching, if one were inclined towards such sentimental notions. It's executed with such finesse that a less discerning gentleman might find himself quite taken in. Nearly fell for it myself, don't you know. Nearly...
@@necromansy420 My good fellow, I assure you that what you perceive as the effects of some illicit substance is merely the natural state of my prodigious, high-functioning, and finely tuned mind. I merely sought to put a smile on some faces, without any chemical intervention, mind you. I do realize, however, that my core audience is likely rather minimal. Like any other chap who takes the time to comment, I find this content rather inspiring. Perhaps for reasons that differ from the average viewer, or perhaps it's simply my way of expressing appreciation that's a bit... unconventional. At any rate, if I've succeeded in amusing you, I'm quite pleased. If not... well, I offer my most sincere apologies.
@@messageinabottle-ASMR Hadn't I received the most exquisite education, I would have replied point-blank: "Of course I'm right... that's what I do." But, as I would like to honor my upbringing... I'll let you figure it out.
I’m a person that has an natural weakness to what is dubbed as ‘cringe’ yet I find it genuinely hard to find any reason to repulse at your vids. In other words: you make good shtuff.
This is a great audio as always Storm but i don't think this will ever happen to me I'm too shy to talk to women so I'd never have a girlfriend who would do this😢
Thank you so much for recording my script! I loved how gentle your voice came thoughout the audio and the emotion you added throughout. Excellent performance!
I mentioned it a bit in my script description, but this script was inspired by an old high school memory. I did modify it to work and flow better as a script, but I think I captured some of those same feelings that I experienced in that moment.
This was one of the first scripts I shared back when I first started writing a year ago. It's been amazing to see the positive response from both VAs and listeners. Thanks again for lending your VA talent to bring this script to life in your own, unique way. I loved it!
Thanks for sharing your script! It’s so sweet that it’s inspired from your life 🥹
I cannot let my coworkers know I listen to this while lifting stuff for work 💯
You're secret's safe with us. 😉
@@Nxtsuru Giga Chads need Giga Comfort 🫶
@@Red-Brick-Dream oh damn, well said 😂🙈
Love that mentality 😅
Wake up imaginary babe, Storm's new vid just dropped
not the imaginary 💀💀💀💀💀
Bro really💀💀💀💀💀💀
welt wtf are you doing here
It must be nice trusting someone enough to be open like this, asleep or not.
When you need Message in a bottle the most, they don’t vanish, they descend from the heavens bringing relaxation to all
I actually cried at the end of this, this was so wonderfully made. Thank you for making these videos, I feel like they help me a lot with my personal issues
Dude, I really want someone to talk to me like this, I wish I didn't have to wait years for it, but gosh, this'll do in the meantime
This is wholesome. For the script and the impression : you can feel the emotions in the voice ! It's really great, it makes my week worth it in the end.
Soothing your voice + the rain makes it perfect
My eyes half closed the second i heard your "public script don't be angy in comments" disclaimer.
How do you make your voice so soothing?
Truly fantastic voice acting Storm. No idea how you have so much talent! Always brightens my day when I see you upload!
The day I meet someone like this, I going to cry so damn hard
Yeah, I wish I didn't have to wait, but it's keeping me alive rn
@PersonCuberWe'll get there eventually, keep going
Thank you Storm once again for an upload right on time! I've got to wake up tomorrow at 4 in the morning to start my road trip so I really need to get some sleep. Thankfully Storm always delivers.
Safe travels, mate.
Have fun on your road trip!
After hearing that I'd have to resist popping the question then and there lol. Our girl is ADORABLE. Thanks for the amazing audio as always.
This is absolutely perfect, I'm a lonely person so everyday when I'm going to sleep I just go to this channel and I feel so cozy,so comfortable,for a minute, I feel happy and safe❤️
Part 2 : he proposes... But anyway... What you're doing is incredible! It's relaxing and very comforting. I totally jumped on the notification as soon as I turned on my phone. I hope that RUclips's algorithm will give you incredible visibility so that you can share what you do with as many people as possible... YOU DESERVE IT SO MUCH 💗💗
The tranquility offered by his voice and presence clarifies the feelings that torment the mind. It's like an angel❤️✨
This is simultaneously the most sweet and heartbreaking audio. The words, the performance and emotion behind it are all wonderful, but irl I'm quite alone, romantically.
Thanks for the aspirational fantasy. Both to the VA and the writer. Maybe someday.
I enjoy the lovely story of this video and it's very wholesome.
Adding the rain sounds is very creative and it helps me sleep. Great work Storm.
I can't remember the exact part, but this whole video made me cry so hard❤ I really miss my ex, and I'm super touch starved, so this made me super happy/sad/whatever that feeling is. I just wish I still had someone to snuggle and kiss at night. I feel like saying "I love you too," would sound weird since im 13 and this isn't real and she knows nothing about me, but it really feels like I am loved when I listen to this. Thank you❤
Update; 7:33 the part where she says "I love you so much" really broke me.The fact that my ex could never say it with such emotion and true love, but some random person doing an audio thing can is truly shocking.
Awww well hopefully your next girlfriend will 😉 ❤️
@@messageinabottle-ASMR thank you😢
great job guys 👏 you commented so much about the scripts that now Storm had to start her video by clarifying that she uses PUBLIC scripts, something that she had already explained before in the description of her videos (that apparently no one reads)
🤣🤣 had to find a solution
Omg I’m crying this is so beautiful.
I love stuff like this where I’m so immersed.
As she turn away, embarrassed, I hugged my pillow I imagined I was cuddling her. Trying to comfort her. To my surprise she said.
“Hey, that’s not fair, putting your arms tightly around me.”
As if the script writer knew exactly how I was going react. Lol
Also I empathize HARD with the girlfriend. I feel like I’m not brave enough to say how I really feel.
A big fan of the visuals, glad it's back!!
Your videos never fails to make me feel loved, and better about myself,
so thank you for that Storm.
P.S: i love your voice
What amazing masterpiece and amazing upload as always. The bedt type of an asmr after a ling video thank you for the upload. The script is so thoughtfully written, and your VA just brought it to live.
I connect to the speaker character a lot on this one. She is so shy but still enabled to show her feelings towards the listener. i loved how the speaker character was playing sleepy but still listed to every word. I am super shy when i am around a girl because i get super nervous because i might say something wrong to get rejected or make her feel uncomfortable. Lately, we have a time where it's super hard to show your feelings towards someone.
Anyway, I hope we will have a part 2 where the speaker character is brave enough to show her feelings towards the listener in public or at their place. Amazing upload as always. Storm, you are too kind to us, and thank you for putting a smile on my face. Now, if you excuse me, I hear a bunk calling my name.
P.S to everyone who has made this far I just want to let you know that you all are deserving of love. I hope you will find soon the perfect partner. If you haven't heard it recently I love you and I am proud of you. I wish you all a wonderful rest of your friday and amazing weekend ahead of you full of smiles, joy and love.
Thanks for the post scripture, my friend. I really needed to hear that today.
@@CovertCalifornian1957 Hey, I am glad to hear that it put a smile on your face remember, you are deserving of love and happiness, friend. I hope that it's around the corner for you
@@Bugiisan I wish the same for you. Thanks again.
Hearing your rendition of this script is quite the treat. Due to my failing short-term memory, I can not fully remember the other version I heard. However, I'm almost certain yours is my favorite one. Your style makes it so I can practically feel the words against my ears. It helps the story and scene ascend to a greater height this way.
We're drifting off to dreamland with this one!
A very intimate audio ❤ Love the art!
The moment you recognise that your crush is awake, holy moly. It may be embarrassing for boys and girls, but it's all worth it.
This was the first video of yours I’ve seen and it was also the best Asmr I think I’ve ever seen. Thank you ❤️
I've loved Juniper Justice's reading of this script for a long time, but this one feels just a bit sweeter.
Ahh yes storm thank you for making my friday and end of week better after a hardworking day of studying 📖 for my finals i really needed a comfort and relaxation
Thanks so much storm ❤️
Take a break mon ami. Ya earned it.
Best of luck with your finals. You'll do great!
@@CovertCalifornian1957 thanks
@@Khizar_june You're quite welcome!
Hope you get good results! 🤞🏼
I recently got a gf (honestly did NOT expect to ever say that) but I cannot stop listening to Message In a Bottle damn
Honestly bro , CONGRATS another solider leaving the army, we will miss you brother ❤
You can tell me what you want, but she’s definitely having the best voice for asmr out there. Not only that, but her acting is also incredible imo. There are still other people that do the same stuff that I still prefer more, but that’s just because they have more to offer in terms of the quantity of videos/audios.
May I say something? Ok, I'll say it anyway: we are here for YOU. Is this a public script? Is it original? Well, it doesn't matter, when YOU are acting and putting your own work on it. It's just perfect to me ❤
And thank you for being here for us
Gonna hug my pillow tightly with this one ❤
Your whispers in one of my fav. Scripts was just so awesome, just loved it 🥰
So adorable and relaxing script with the best voice acting ❤
Thank you Storm for this another amazing video !!
Well, maybe someday I’ll get to experience this. This for do for now.
9 hours ago is making me dangerously sleepy.
A cute and relaxing audio, with a desire spoken aloud by your character wanting to change the status quo by becoming the listener's wife one day, is quite rare and a delight to hear. Thank you for this affectionate story, Storm.
I felt really warm listening to this. This was so good. ❤❤
❤❤❤❤❤❤ loving the content you have been releasing
I love these kinds of scenarios and on top we get your voice. Thanks storm :)
This one is now one of my most liked ASMRs. IT is so intimate and precious. 💖
... storm , stop being so good ...😅
Every time i watch you i fell like listening to real thing ...
Then it end and i m brutally remembered that its just a rp played by a pro ... 😢
I hope you’ll hear those words in real life one day 🙏🏼
Every day at night I listen to this, It makes me feel taken but I can forever know that I will be single and single forever.
As someone who deals with PTSD, I just had to say thanks so much for what you do. Thankfully life has mostly been very good to me, but because of that most people are unaware of my struggle. These types of problems are tough to explain to others, so having a soft and kind word to quickly turn to when things go downhill really really means a lot 🙏
omg, the whispering got be goosebumps
My god this was so sweet! Now I'm not gonna lie normally sleep aids aren't my thing but this was too cute. I swear to god I was so into the audio and the parts where she was talking about when she first meet the listener, I felt like i was in the audio itself lol. I haven't listened to much asmr this week but it's audios like this that remind me why I love being apart and listening to asmr so much. And will I guess this is another part of becoming a top commenter lol, hehe. 💜🐊👑
A sweet whispering of comfession while the listener is soo nive and make the best dream like situation in the universe ❤❤❤❤
Few days ago I broke up with my girl. She never says these type of words In front of me. She only sends me hand letters but never tells me face to face. I wish I had someone like this girl in this video.
With the whispering and the rain combined, I'm surprised the listener was able to stay awake for this long.
Brilliant work as always, Storm. I hope you have a relaxing weekend.
This will be cute audio I can already tell
Have a wonderful day ❤
You have such a nice voice. It scratches a part of my brain and neck I wasn't aware I even had, lmao.
Can’t let gang know I fw with this
@messageinabottle-asmr i was having sleep troubles. Hearing this, i slept like a log. Im back to listen to the rest of the audio. Im grateful for this channel
It’s 4.00 here, and i still can’t sleep. Your voice could really help for now. I hope😞
@@amergaming9674 hm do you have insomnia?
If so, maybe I can help you.
Here are some tips.
1. Play a super long video of heavy rain if it helps you relax.
2. If you have a ton of energy or have overactive thoughts, try doing an intense workout while watching a movie or show.
3. To unwind properly, try watching a very long movie. I recommend Oppenheimer. It's sorta educational but man it made me doze Off repeatedly. It's a historical movie.
4. Maybe try reading a boring book.
5. Try cooking yourself something to eat then take a warm shower. It may help.
6. If all that doesn't work, go for some melatonin to help get to sleep.
But you knew that I am a light sleeper! 😏😂 Merci pour ta prestation ! ❤️
💙 the audio
This girl is so lovely. If I were awake to hear her say these things to me, I'd get so damn weak in the knees cause I'm falling for her or emotional from her kind and loving words.
This is amazing!
Aww, the reveal of us hearing everything she said was so cute.
This was so good and wholesome
Love this sm 🤭 wish it was longer so I could actually go to sleep to this~
How cute, calm and soft... ty so much❤❤❤
That’s the way you do it❤❤❤
Amazing video as usual Storm where do you get your scripts and thumbnails? They are so amazing 😊
The public scripts are from Reddit (asmrscripthaven) and I generate the thumbnails with Midjourney at the moment 😉
Nice audio 👍👍🙂 your are the best
Amazing audio as always, you’re awesome !
Why was I starting to tear up from that 🥲
You've uploaded at the perfect time storm! I'm about to go to bed before my last shift at a cafe before starting a care job! BTW I've managed to program my mind to instantly relax my body when I put your asmr on, so I'm bound to sleep well 😴
Edit: I REALLY hope there's a part 2 - The proposal!
That’s awesome well done 👏🏻 and good luck on the care job! Make sure to take care of yourself too.
What a lovely experience
Lovely, thank you for this coozy ASMR!
This was lovely.
It's time to listen to this and fall asleep smiling. 🤍
This notification right before i go to sleep, thank you ❤️
Congratulations for the 60k in advance, you deserve it ❤️
I cannot let people find out I listen to this while making people's power work
😢😔 just woke up and found this in my fyp. one day I hope to get this, one day. *A Man With Out Love starts playing*
STORM , can i request this one in french too ... pls🥺
Cant let gang know i fw this
This is my therapy
The whispering is so nice
This is just deppressing for me...
Only she said those words when she was alive💔💔
This just makes me miss her more💔💔💔
@@messageinabottle-ASMR didn't want to make you sad, I'm sorry
@@cainsol0925 it's ok too share your story, in fact, mad respect for being willing to be so open about it on the Internet
Oh, that was soo sweet!🥰❤
Long post ahead...To those intrepid souls willing to embark on this verbose journey, I offer my heartfelt gratitude. Your dedication to the written word is commendable. To those who prefer their wit in more concise packages, I bid you a fond farewell. No hard feelings, old chaps...
Well, what have we here? A most peculiar specimen in the wild romance yonder. It appears we've stumbled upon a rare breed: the bully in disguise a.k.a. reverse bully, or as I like to call it, the mean wolf in cute sheep's pyjamas.
In these romantic scenarios, one expects the bully to be a bit rough around the edges - all teasing remarks and mocking jabs, with a dash of meanness for good measure. But lo and behold, beneath that prickly exterior usually lurks a heart of gold, wounded and waiting for love's tender embrace.
This, however, is an entirely different "kettle of fish". Our seemingly demure damsel is not what she appears. At first blush, she's all sugar and spice and everything nice. Batting her eyelashes, whispering sweet nothings - but this crafty minx is playing the long game.
Now, here's the real catch-22: she knew all along that we were awake. She orchestrated the whole affair, you see. Listen closely to the audio, and you'll quickly comprehend that when she slipped into bed, she tossed and turned again and again, as frantically as a washing machine on an extreme spin-drying program. Subtle as a brass band...
Then, sweet as treacle and gentle as a lamb, she whispers soothing words lulling one into a false sense of security. But wait, what's this? Amidst the honeyed murmurs, she drops the 'M' bomb - marriage, of all things! Without so much as a by-your-leave or a cautionary klaxon!
If this isn't psychological warfare level bullying disguised as pillow talk...
Besides, today it's "I hope to be your wife," tomorrow it's "I've redecorated the entire estate in mauve." Mark my words, it always ends in mauve...
Of course, I'm far too clever to fall for such tricks. Though I must admit, the creator's interpretation of this role is rather... impressive. One might almost say touching, if one were inclined towards such sentimental notions. It's executed with such finesse that a less discerning gentleman might find himself quite taken in. Nearly fell for it myself, don't you know. Nearly...
can i have what youre smoking
@@necromansy420 My good fellow, I assure you that what you perceive as the effects of some illicit substance is merely the natural state of my prodigious, high-functioning, and finely tuned mind. I merely sought to put a smile on some faces, without any chemical intervention, mind you.
I do realize, however, that my core audience is likely rather minimal.
Like any other chap who takes the time to comment, I find this content rather inspiring. Perhaps for reasons that differ from the average viewer, or perhaps it's simply my way of expressing appreciation that's a bit... unconventional. At any rate, if I've succeeded in amusing you, I'm quite pleased. If not... well, I offer my most sincere apologies.
😂😂 well Sherlock who knows? You might be right 🤔😉
@@messageinabottle-ASMR Hadn't I received the most exquisite education, I would have replied point-blank: "Of course I'm right... that's what I do." But, as I would like to honor my upbringing... I'll let you figure it out.
Mom, Dad, thanks for giving me a younger brother, he will have to continue our bloodline cause I sure ain't doing it 💯
That was so freaking cute
That was incredibly beautiful. Thank you.
I’m a person that has an natural weakness to what is dubbed as ‘cringe’ yet I find it genuinely hard to find any reason to repulse at your vids. In other words: you make good shtuff.
😂 thank you… I’d be worried if you found them repulsive
This was way too cute.
This made me cry
Nice. Another one. The eternal darkness will consume me with this one 🗣️🗣️
Yo can you make a part 2 to the crazy yandere video
Itd be nice to be capable of this kind of love,shame I’m like bordering aromantic
At the moment "you smile like you hear everything I said... Wait...". I understood. That's definitely me. Absolutely me
This is a great audio as always Storm but i don't think this will ever happen to me I'm too shy to talk to women so I'd never have a girlfriend who would do this😢
I had a brawl stars add before it so I watched the whole thing before I sink into my everlasting pit of loneliness and degeneracy. ☺️
Currently in gym listening to this banger 🔥🗣️🔊
Almost had my single ass smiling
I am cooked gentlemen, deep fried in oil. I can’t let the crew know