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Subtitled/Subbed or English Dubbed anime (aka Subs vs. Dubs v2)

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Aug 12, 2011 3:31 AM

Jul 2011
I mostly prefer subs. but once in a blue moon I do find a good dub that I watch.
Aug 12, 2011 4:52 AM
Jul 2010
I prefer subs myself, as i love the language and how well the Japanese portray the characters.
Tremble before my Darkness!
Aug 12, 2011 5:31 AM

Nov 2008
Call my an innovator, but I prefer both *shock* ^_-
Aug 12, 2011 5:38 AM

Jul 2009
Roxxy-Baby said:
Call my an innovator, but I prefer both *shock* ^_-

This is win.
Aug 12, 2011 5:50 AM

Dec 2010
Normally sub, sometimes dub.

I defy those who say that subs are always better than dub to watch Baccano! and Black Lagoon to keep that opinion.
Aug 12, 2011 6:07 AM
Aug 2011
sub, its just always better cause the dub is like weird
Aug 12, 2011 6:11 AM

Jul 2009
Jack_Rav said:
Normally sub, sometimes dub.

I defy those who say that subs are always better than dub to watch Baccano! and Black Lagoon to keep that opinion.

Those happen to be my 2 favorite dubs...
Aug 12, 2011 6:56 AM

Jun 2011
Kakashi000 said:
I prefer subs myself, as i love the language and how well the Japanese portray the characters.

You read my thoughts.
Why does the world want to become one? Dreams and ideals are not supposed to be the same.
Aug 13, 2011 7:49 PM

Jan 2011
rosebrook said:
SerenityB3128 said:
I just can't bring myself to watch Dub ever. I hate them.

I like to hear the voices that were specifically picked for the character.
When dubs are made, it seems like they don't care who does the voice, as long as it's done.

Too many things change. Like the jokes and the names.

I just love hearing the original japanese voices.
But that's my personal opinion.

Even though most dubs are not as good as the original, I don't think its fair to say that they dubbing companies don't care when they make anime.
I've met a bunch of dub actors at conventions and its obvious that they love what they do. And recent dubs have gotten a lot better especially in regard to changing names.
I didn't mean that to come out rude...

I don't know, maybe I've just had bad experience with dubs.
The other day, my friend and I decided to watch Elfen Lied on netflix, and since I'd seen it already, I was alright with seeing it dubbed (cuz I sort of wanted to see how their voices turned out).
Have you ever heard EL dubbed? I was laughing at it.

Kouta's dub voice actor seemed SO bored, he had no emotion no matter what he said, even during the most intense scene.

Then of course the girl sounded like a 5 year old. It was so quiet and somewhat shy sounding.

There were TONS of awkward pauses between words to make it fit in with the mouth movement.

I'm not saying every dub does this. But from what I've seen, several of them tend to 'bored' or unenthusiastic.

Now, the best dub show I've seen on tv, in my opinion was Fullmetal Alchemist (and Brotherhood). That is the one show I've watched in dub where it sounded like the VAs were really excited to do the voices and put all of their effort into it.
Aug 13, 2011 9:06 PM

Jul 2009
SerenityB3128 said:
rosebrook said:
SerenityB3128 said:
I just can't bring myself to watch Dub ever. I hate them.

I like to hear the voices that were specifically picked for the character.
When dubs are made, it seems like they don't care who does the voice, as long as it's done.

Too many things change. Like the jokes and the names.

I just love hearing the original japanese voices.
But that's my personal opinion.

Even though most dubs are not as good as the original, I don't think its fair to say that they dubbing companies don't care when they make anime.
I've met a bunch of dub actors at conventions and its obvious that they love what they do. And recent dubs have gotten a lot better especially in regard to changing names.
I didn't mean that to come out rude...

I don't know, maybe I've just had bad experience with dubs.
The other day, my friend and I decided to watch Elfen Lied on netflix, and since I'd seen it already, I was alright with seeing it dubbed (cuz I sort of wanted to see how their voices turned out).
Have you ever heard EL dubbed? I was laughing at it.

Kouta's dub voice actor seemed SO bored, he had no emotion no matter what he said, even during the most intense scene.

Then of course the girl sounded like a 5 year old. It was so quiet and somewhat shy sounding.

There were TONS of awkward pauses between words to make it fit in with the mouth movement.

I'm not saying every dub does this. But from what I've seen, several of them tend to 'bored' or unenthusiastic.

Now, the best dub show I've seen on tv, in my opinion was Fullmetal Alchemist (and Brotherhood). That is the one show I've watched in dub where it sounded like the VAs were really excited to do the voices and put all of their effort into it.

I agree with you that Kouta's dub actor was horrid. I actually did like some of the other voices in that dub though. Mainly Lucy, Mariko (Luci Christian!) and the main inspector guy (forget his name)
I myself found both tracts on a whole to be somewhat lacking... Compared to other animes in both languages.
Aug 13, 2011 11:46 PM

Aug 2007
Roxxy-Baby said:
Call my an innovator, but I prefer both *shock* ^_-

This is simply unacceptable. You can't have both, what's wrong with you!? How dare you enjoy anime in either language.

Aug 13, 2011 11:54 PM

Aug 2011
I dont really care I can watch either...
However if I had to chose one it would probaly be dub just because I have a high tolerance level and dislike reading.
Aug 14, 2011 9:07 PM

Jun 2011
If I am lazy, I'll watch a dub, if it's a bearable one; some dubs can get pretty terrible, but saying that, there is also a lot of good ones. I'll generally go with the sub first off, then ease my way into the dub when I know all the characters and other plot points.

Aug 14, 2011 10:20 PM

Jun 2011
I used to watch subbed anime exclusively. Now I watch it first subbed, and then dubbed afterwards... I find that I prefer the dubbed version 90% of the time.

In fact, the only dub I hate is Neon Genesis Evangelion, but they vastly improved on that in the Rebuild movies.
Aug 14, 2011 10:53 PM

Sep 2010
I love both, but when it comes to me owning the series on DVD I prefer it dubbed. I seriously don't see the point in subbed DVDs outside of anime/live action movies whats the point in buying it if I already seen a streamed sub of it wither it be fansubs or official subs? Plus they are ridiculously overpriced and there is a risk of the company half-assing subs and releasing it for $60+ with no extras or sucky ones.
"What has two arms, two legs, and is alive? Not your favorite character lol! xD"
Aug 16, 2011 3:16 PM

May 2011
I watch both dubbed and subbed anime. I used to prefer watching subbed; however, over the years I seem to really like watching anime dubbed. I think it’s because the dubbing has gotten better throughout the years, plus watching anime dubbed means I can do other things (like clean, sew, cook/bake) when watching it. Not to mention when I am tried I like to be able to watch an anime series and not have to read.
Aug 16, 2011 8:35 PM

Aug 2011
English dub win for me:
Code Geass
Gundam 00
Fate/Stay Night
Devil May Cry
Dragonball Z

English sub win for me:
Baka to test
Highschool of the dead
Suzumiya Haruhi

It's basically both for me, but most of time I end up choosing English dub. Troy Baker FTW!
Aug 16, 2011 9:21 PM

Sep 2008
I usually stick with subs, both because I like the Japanese language but also because I kinda make it a point to try to watch stuff in its original language. In the same way I would prefer to watch a French movie in French and so on.
Aug 17, 2011 1:08 AM

Nov 2008
I prefer Subs only.
Japanese voices are such unique that other countrys can´t imitate them.
Sure there are some ppl who have cute voices but they never can beat the original.

Actually i prefer originals in every way (Movies, TV...)
Not only japanese - in general.

There are so many things especially jokes that you can´t translate.

Good example for a unpossible joke translation comes from one of my favourite american series "South Park"

Fudgepacker / He´s packing fudge ^^
Everyone who seen that episode will agree with me :o
Aug 21, 2011 1:16 AM
Dec 2009
Subs suck because you have to read instead of enjoying the visuals.

Dubs suck because most of them sound like a bunch of random people picked off the street and told to read impromptu from a piece of paper. Even if they are good, some of the time it just reminds you you're watching some shitty Disney franchise.

Overall subs are better because it gives you the chance for multiple time viewings and learn a bit of Japanese so you can spout them off randomly to unsuspecting bystanders and be pretentious because you have half assed conquered the Japanese language - "I sound soooo kakooi desu saying random Japanese words desu!"

Aug 21, 2011 1:23 AM
Apr 2008
Anime's i Liked Dubbed:

Code Geass (Lelouch dub, Suzaku dub, Lloyd dub, Kallen sub but dub is okay. Rakshata WTF did they do to her dubbed)

Fullmetal Alchemist (So use to Vic as Ed got tired of Romi Paku with Ganta from Deadman Wonderand, Alphonse is still al aka girly voice, Hawkeye better dubbed, Roy is a tie, Fuher sub, Winry meh, Armstrong dub, Armstrong's sister ehh another hard one, they both sound so bad-ass, Ling sub.)

Kurokami (I watched the dub first so that's way)

Baka to Test (watched the first ep on Youtube via FUNimation, dang Akihisa has a great voice but i really loved Himeji's though they don't use Muttsurini WHY?)

Anime's i like Subbed:

Bleach (I can't stand Orihime dub sorry Stephanie Sheh.)
Death Note (Light dub sounds like Setsuna from 00 Gundam, i was waiting for him to say "I am Gundam". L is horrible dubbed!)
Aug 21, 2011 10:06 PM

Jun 2009
If anyone ever gets the chance to see Hayate dubbed, DO IT. It's hilarious! The fact that Maria has a British VA makes it even more enjoyable.
Aug 21, 2011 10:24 PM
Aug 2011
I enjoyed watching few english dubbed anime like Gundam SEED, Gundam SEED Destiny, InuYasha, and .Hack//sign. Hellsing OVA was nicely done too in english dub.
Aug 21, 2011 10:36 PM
Lilium Gardener

Jul 2011
Dubbed v. Subbed: KY's Outlook on the Matter....

- I really enjoy dubbed and subbed anime. Being a big gamer myself (particularly the resident evil series and RPGs), I am used to sub-par voice acting, so it doesn't really bother me.

- Subbed or Dubbed based on tiredness...My laptop is positioned on one side of my bed and I have a large mirror directly across from it on the other side of my bed. This way I can roll over to my other side and still watch anime (through the mirror). I generally watch subbed anime until I get sleepy/have to roll over, then I switch to a dubbed series. I have practiced/attempted reading subs through the mirror, but it is pretty difficult to keep up most if the time. Of course, all this only applies to when I am laying down for bed.

- Usually, if there is an english dub of the anime, I'll watch it instead of the sub. Some exceptions are anime that do not have all of their seasons dubbed. In those cases, I just go ahead and watch them subbed so I don't have to get used to new voices for all the characters.

- Now, there are definitely a few examples that stand out in this argument. Like Kuroshitsuji, aka Black Butler, is waaaay better in the English Dub. Its impossible for a Japanese voice actor to sound English (British). This anime should definitely be watched in the English Dub, no matter what.
Aug 21, 2011 10:52 PM

Jul 2011
KathyKaboom said:

Overall subs are better because it gives you the chance for multiple time viewings and learn a bit of Japanese so you can spout them off randomly to unsuspecting bystanders and be pretentious because you have half assed conquered the Japanese language - "I sound soooo kakooi desu saying random Japanese words desu!"

If I ever saw someone do that I would punch their lights out. Those people really piss me off, and it gives other people who watch anime a bad name.

Also I usually just watch what ever is available. I've also noticed that most dubs that have been coming out nowadays are actually pretty good.
Shameless self-promotion:
Slyr3do0n said:
MAL is the dark underbelly of the anime community. While other naive fanboys and fangirls run around in real life forming clubs and squealing in deafening high pitch noises about their favourite animus, we remain here, meticulously dismantling the credibility of each and every show, until all that remains is a steaming pile of tropes and ass pulls which we then devour to gratiyfy our glutinous and masochistic desires.
Aug 22, 2011 1:50 AM

Jul 2010
subtitle, of course
Aug 22, 2011 2:10 AM

Jan 2011
I've rarely heard a dub that I liked, save for Detective Conan (I refuse to call it Case Closed) but even that was inferior to subs IMO.

I've always watched anime subbed, except for what I first watched dubbed and then re-watched subbed later. I'm a fan of Japanese voices.

Your mileage may vary on either side of the fence. If dubbed anime brings more legal titles over, then dub away as long as it's dual-audio and not dubtitled. If more titles would come over if the licensees didn't have to dub (cost), don't dub.
Aug 22, 2011 4:54 AM

Aug 2011
i prefer sub but some anime which hv english background like appleseed or fullmetal alchemist i like to heard english dub


"I specialize in reading manga but don't get how to draw manga at all" -Asaba Yuuki-
Aug 22, 2011 5:52 AM
Dec 2009
jrgcool35 said:
KathyKaboom said:

Overall subs are better because it gives you the chance for multiple time viewings and learn a bit of Japanese so you can spout them off randomly to unsuspecting bystanders and be pretentious because you have half assed conquered the Japanese language - "I sound soooo kakooi desu saying random Japanese words desu!"

If I ever saw someone do that I would punch their lights out. Those people really piss me off, and it gives other people who watch anime a bad name.

Also I usually just watch what ever is available. I've also noticed that most dubs that have been coming out nowadays are actually pretty good.

I have a person in my class that does this often. The thought about punching her (I'd rather bitchslap) does occur to me often but other than being an annoying anime fangirl she's okay.

On topic, yes most newer dubs are good but there are still some that are teribble.
Aug 23, 2011 1:27 PM
Jul 2009
I usually watch dubbed but il watch subbed especially if the dub makes me want to like myself like the clannad and Azumanda dioh dub.

Aug 23, 2011 1:33 PM
Jul 2011
I usually prefer Subs but Death Note dub was brilliant especially Light's voice actor was awesome.The other dub which I am loving is Golden Boy...amazing.
Aug 24, 2011 4:05 PM

Dec 2010
Subs because:
# My family won't know what the characters are saying.
# It's in the original language.
# I don't like American accents.
Aug 28, 2011 2:29 AM

Sep 2010
Japanese voice actor > English voice actors.

For some reason whenever people try to dub an anime they always get terrible voice actors..
Unlike in Japanese when a girl play a guy character the voice sounds fine but in english it sounds.. just.. ugh. It just sounds awefulllll.
Aug 28, 2011 2:44 AM

Nov 2010
I prefer dubs but I usually find the Japanese voice actors to be almost flawless in their voicing. But that could be my lack of actually being able to interpret their voice with the words.

Dubs are usually kind of here and there. Low points and high points. At least one character doesn't sound right unless it's some really popular anime like Death Note.

Only dubs I've ever found god awful were Bible Black and Green Green TV.
Aug 28, 2011 3:43 AM
Jul 2011
Depends. There some notable good dubs(Such as Yu Yu Hakusho, Cowboy Bebop, FMA, Chrono Crusade, etc.). There are also some notable bad dubs(Anything by 4kids, Ranma 1/2, Bubblegum Crisis, etc.). I used to watch anime "dubbed" frequently in my early years as an "official anime fan." However, when I've entered college, I've started to watch anime in Japanese and became acclimated in doing so every since. Nowadays, I primarily prefer subs. But I don't mind watching a decent to superb dub.
Aug 28, 2011 3:52 AM

Jul 2010
Lol real voice is the best. Dubs just spoil the anime. IMO.
Aug 28, 2011 4:15 AM

Jul 2011
I prefer subs. I just feel like Japanese seiyuu put more effort in getting into character than English seiyuu. Also since I like learning Japanese, anime is a perfect way to do it.
I did watch some dubs but those were mostly my childhood anime and now, when I watch them, I see how cheesy some of the voice acting really is.
Finnaly got a host for my sig ._.
Aug 28, 2011 7:54 AM

Jul 2011
I prefer sub but sometimes when im going on all night anime marathon, I find myself lying in bed with my eyes half closed and I wish I was watching dub so I could just listen because Im so tired and my eyes are strained
Aug 28, 2011 8:03 AM

Aug 2011
I have to go with dubs. I just prefer being able to relax while watching the show and not have to read the subtitles. Plus I started on dubs so its really hard to try and watch subs even though I am for a show right now.
Aug 29, 2011 2:44 AM

Dec 2007
Prefer a great dub over subs, otherwise it's subs. So it really all depends.
[color=#3399CC]All credit goes to Daika-san.
Aug 29, 2011 2:48 AM

Nov 2007
Leonard93 said:
In my opinion is sub usually (not always), better than dubs.

Cause its the original voices made by the same studio as the producer of the acutal animations, and it feels less like an anime to me if i hear english voices.

Hearing japanese voices (and enjoying it), is part of watching anime, just like how the artstyle is different from western cartoons.
Its a part of anime that shouldnt be altered.

Agreeing with this.
I Two Syaorans from Tsubasa RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE and TRC!!!
Aug 29, 2011 10:05 AM

Aug 2007
HDAnimeReviews said:
I prefer sub but sometimes when im going on all night anime marathon, I find myself lying in bed with my eyes half closed and I wish I was watching dub so I could just listen because Im so tired and my eyes are strained

Coffee before you start. If you feel tired during then drink another cup. The caffeine will wear off by the time you're ready to sleep.

Matron_Laylie said:
I have to go with dubs. I just prefer being able to relax while watching the show and not have to read the subtitles. Plus I started on dubs so its really hard to try and watch subs even though I am for a show right now.

I don't see how it is hard to watch subs when you started with dubs. I only found it strange for like 2 episodes then got use to it and now prefer subs.
Aug 29, 2011 7:21 PM
Apr 2011
It depends. In my case, if I strained my eyes from watching anime with subs, I'll just go watch a dub, if the dub is very good. :)

But growing up, I watch anime in subs. :D
Aug 29, 2011 7:24 PM

Jun 2011
Dubs cause this

But in serious mode.
Either does fine and I really don't care unless the dub is unlistenable. It's still the same story being told.
Aug 29, 2011 7:34 PM

Jun 2011
Drunk_Samurai said:
I don't see how it is hard to watch subs when you started with dubs. I only found it strange for like 2 episodes then got use to it and now prefer subs.

I started with subs, I only watched subbed anime for years. I still watch all my anime subbed first, but I almost always prefer the dubs after I rewatch it.

It's not really about which one you're used to.
Aug 29, 2011 10:41 PM

Sep 2010
Have to say that subbed is a lot better for me, and I even have a reason why :P
I haven't seen many animes dubbed, but the ones I have seen (with the exception of DBZ) lack the feelings that the original voice actors put in the characters. The dubbed versions' voices feel either forced or lazy. You can feel the...acting.
Isn't a voice over successful only when the voices feel like they are coming from the characters themselves? Well I can't feel that from dubbed versions :/ But, that's just my opinion.
Aug 30, 2011 9:21 PM

Jun 2011
I am not adverse to either. I watch dubs, generally if I am feeling to lazy too read, and watch subs if the series is airing or the Japanese voice acting is better, the latter tends to be true often.

Aug 30, 2011 9:51 PM

Apr 2010
ONLY subbed...what joy would you have when an anime [JP production] you hear english voices? The JP voices feel more realistic so I allways watch subbed animes.

Dubbing is for the western cartoons.
Aug 31, 2011 2:53 AM

Jul 2011
Both for me and it depends on a number of factors. Obviously if there is an anime im interested in and there is only sub available, then naturally even when a dub is made im going to be instinctively biased towards the sub and vice versa. With 4Kids one piece dub being the exception to the rule. If both a sub and dub are available i'll usually compare the voice acting quality of the two to see which one has a better match for the charaters they're protraying. Lastly if im just watching something to kill time then i'll probably go for the dub.
Aug 31, 2011 2:55 AM

Jan 2009
Subbed is my first priority. I think Japanese seyus are the best in voicing the characters and it's just a waste not to hear them.
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